Circular Economy

Circular Economy Expertise

Talk at Factory 9/2020

I discovered the Circular Economy in 2015, at a talk given by the founders of design agency Circulab. “In nature”, they said, “there is no such thing as waste. Everything has a purpose”. I was hooked and thought: ‘I want to know more!’. Few had heard of circular economy then. Later that year, I became one of the young agency’s first trained and licensed freelance facilitators.

We were a team of 5 with varied backgrounds, ready to train and support on the topic: we supported organisations of all types to rethink their business model and purpose and see circularity as an opportunity way beyond simply recycling more and wasting less. I left Circulab, now a key thought leader on circularity and resilience in France, at end 2023: it was time for new ventures and collaborations.

Today I offer my services as a sparring partner, mentor, circular storyteller and facilitator on the topic, helping organisations and individuals understand the topic and see how they could turn circularity into an opportunity and adopt a more ‘circular’ mindset. 


What I offer


Mentoring & Speaking

Editorial & Comms

1- Circular Economy Workshops:

Circulab Workshop at Hemofarm, Serbia, 2019

2- Mentoring and Speaking opportunities:


With 8 years experience and knowledge in a fairly new sector, I have a lot of advice to give jobseekers, start-ups, SMEs and organisations looking to develop circular economy activity and knowledge. I have now mentored 30+ startups for circularity. I also have an extensive global and national network (Germany, France & global) built up over the years, and access to the ‘movers & shakers’ shaping the model.

I am available as a panel member and for talks, and for consultancy projects where communication and facilitation are key components.

3- Editorial, Communications & Storytelling:

Recent Circular Economy Projects 

Circular Design workshop, Antwerp university, 2020
Circular Design workshop, Antwerp university, 2020
  • Designing workshops and talks for companies, universities, social-profits, events and mentoring to understand CE and identify opportunities. On/offline, across Europe, in three languages. 
  • Mentoring for ‘circular’ startups since 2020 (Impact Hubs, Universität der Künste, privately)
  • Speaker on CE for Future Females, German ministries, Sustainability Slams, pecha kucha, New Mittelstand, keynotes. Co-host for workshops, webinars and demos with Circular Berlin, Circonnact (Vienna)Hello Circular! Over 800 sign-ups over 5 years.  
  • Podcast on CE and Germany in 2019
  • Interview on WDR German public radio in 2022 (in German): Circular Economy: die Wirtschaft der Zukunft? One of several experts from Berlin in the interview.
  • Cited in Internationale Politik review (in Germany) in November 2022 edition.
  • Initiating and drafting position paper on CE for a global NGO involving over 60 actors, internal and external
  • Writing statements, endorsements etc. for various publications, in print and online, such as the Mastering the Circular Economy textbook (2021, left) and for the Expert Series in Circular Conversations 
  • Guiding visitors to Europe’s first profitable circular economy aquaponics city farm, Stadtfarm, in Berlin (2019/2020)
  • Study on takeback in the clothing retail sector in Germany in 2023 
  • Translation of a Study on EU CE actors by l’Orée (French CE association)

See Testimonials Page and Client list.